Friday, July 30, 2010

Benefits of Marijuana Reform

The view Americans have on Marijuana have been lead astray ever since the large anti-marijuana campaigns of the 1930's. These campaigns made Americans believe that marijuana causes harsh lung damage, aggressive actions, hallucinations and other radical symptoms. Although many people see marijuana as a horrible drug, modern research speaks other wise. With that aside, what about economically? If the United states were to legalize marijuana for use by adults; would it help out our country? The answer may be clear within our life time.

With the taxes that could be set on marijuana-similarly to the tobacco taxes- the national government is predicted to gain over 778,000,000 dollars in revenue. This money alone would help bump our economy back up the totem pole. The government would also save money by not having to pay for thousands of people imprisoned on marijuana charges. In 2004 it was roughly $64 a day to keep someone incarcerated. Therefore, the government would profit by these people not being supported while in prison. Marijuana being legalized would offer the drug on the open market opening up new jobs for sales and production; also causing drug kingpins operating the black market to lose power. This would also cause the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to focus more on hard drugs like Heroine and cocaine. The federal government monitoring the production of this drug would also result in safer products for habitual uses and peace of mind knowing your marijuana has not been lased with a hard drug or other harmful chemicals.

Overall, I believe the legalization of marijuana would be good for our country. The predicted tax revenue and decrease in the black market both seem like major selling points. Until people open up their eyes and research the effects of this legalization this will never happen. One day when the propaganda wears out, this country may finally make a decision that could make our country prosperous once more.


  1. Marijuana Beneficial?

    I chose the commentary Benefits of Marijuana Reform from The American Machine Blog. I chose this article because I too agree that the use of marijuana should be legalized. I do not smoke, and I am not a fan of it, but I do agree with this commentary and that smoking marijuana should be legalized. This blog discusses the possible economic gains of legalizing marijuana in the United States. If legalized such gains may come from "...the taxes that could be set on marijuana-similarly to the tobacco taxes...," causing a large increase in revenue for our country. Also, because it is a trending and controversial topic, it has been said that marijuana can be used for medical purposes.

    The blog also discusses how the government would save money if marijuana was to become legal, because money would not be spent on those persons in jail for having posession of marijuana. Because money is spent on prisoners we lose money because there are so many, but if none are convicted of this specific charge then our government would be saving money, even if it is just a little. I definitely agree that drug kingpins would lose power if marijuana was to become legal.

    A few concerns of mines if marijuana is legalized are what will stop people from growing it themselves, or how much would the person be allowed to intake? How do we keep the youth and underage people from smoking it? Lastly, would this cause concern for another law to be put in place with this reform?

  2. I chose this article to respond to because my fellow classmate is spot on, on his opinion. Marijuana is no more a problem than tobacco is, and by legalizing the use for people of a certain age it would bring in serious amounts of cash, and bring an entirely new industry to the American population. That industry could do more than just make a profit from taxes, it could also create jobs helping out the unemployment issues we are having. Although I doubt that marketing would be all that hard, it is necessary to run a successful business. Larger states such as the nearly bankrupt California would make a killing and potentially pull themselves out of debt. As my classmate has stated in his article, it would also do wonders for our over crowded prison system. Just imagine, a world where Lindsey Lohan and others, actually had to do their time, and not get released due to overcrowding.

    This article gives rough estimates, and makes good clear points. What it does not address is how do you stop kids from growing it? Unlike tobacco you could grow this stuff in a dirty shoe, so it’s not like the U.S. could do like they do with tobacco and say “hey you can’t buy this until your 18.”

    The only thing that I disagree with is the fact the in the article he states that “Marijuana being legalized would offer the drug on the open market opening up new jobs for sales and production; also causing drug kingpins operating the black market to lose power.” I believe that Marijuana being legalized would offer new jobs however; I doubt that drug kingpins will lose power. While marijuana brings in a lot of money each year, there will always be bigger, badder, more expensive drugs that they will traffic into the United States. It may actually push criminals into up-ing their game creating more powerful drug kingpins.

  3. Top U.S. Cash Crop
    The author of The American Machine describes, “The Benefits of marijuana reform” in their recent post; a subject many people are unfamiliar with. The major benefit described was the financial support our government would gain from taxation. However, I believe we should legalize marijuana mainly for its medical benefits.

    Many people have serious illnesses, such as glaucoma and multiple sclerosis, that causes constant struggle and the only remedy is medical marijuana. Montel Williams is a television personality and a major proponent to legalizing medical marijuana. Currently suffering with multiple sclerosis, he finds medical marijuana as the only substance allowing him to live a normal life. In a recent youtube debate with Stephen Baldwin, Montel describes how he does not experience a “euphoric” feeling most people do, he feels a relief from daily pain.

    The American Machine points out many financial benefits of legalizing marijuana, but the medical benefits should be the main reason to legalizing this drug. Thousands of American lives will benefit from this financially, socially (with lesser drug dealers and territorial fights), and medically.
