Thursday, August 12, 2010

Advancing gay rights.

A major event has happened in gay rights today. A federal judge has giving the 'Green light' on gay marriage in California. This is a major victory for all gay rights activists and will be marked down in history as a major change within our society. I fell that this event is important to the advancement of our country's culture and the fulfillment of America's image of a truly equal nation. For this reason, students should read this article; because one day our children will be learning about this very event within our lifetime. This article is worth reading for these reasons.

Educational Aid

Juliana Boswell has a good argument concerning the recent aid given to the education system of the United States. This money could be extremely beneficial towards our education system. This post also opened my eyes to the bills assistence of other governemt employees and emergency workers. I feel that Juliana is correct in saying people in our government are too concerned with disagreeing with the opposing side; therefore opposing any bills from the other side that could possibly help out the country. The education student like myself receive is the future of our great nation; This should be one of the top priority in our country. It is for these reasons, I agree with Juliana's statements.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Obama signs bill to prevent teacher layoffs

The recent bill signed tuesday by president Obama will help out our education system alot. With the Economy in shambles, many teahcers, including alot that have extensive experience in the field, are in danger of layoffs. The bill will give government capital to the federally ran school systems decreasing the danger of good teachers losing their jobs. The future of our nation will depend on young citizens to recieve a good education to run our country. The way our education system is looking we are getting left in the dust by other industrialized countries; the danger toward these teachers does not ease this gap between our nation either. The 26 billion dollars the government is now going to invest into our education system will not be spent in vien. Many opposers feel that this is an unneeded use of our federal tax dollars; however, how could helpng our children recieve a better education,from a larger more experienced teacher pool, unneeded. Republicans feel this is just a give away that will effect our nations long term recovery wrongly; but this is the exact thought that put our country into the first major economic depression. President Hoover felt that if the government did not spend anything, the economy would be fixed in time; this led to an even greater unemployment and inflation that the event is know as the great depression. If our country learned anything from the hardest time in our history, it would be that to end an economic issue, the governent needs to spend capital, to generate capital. This is basic modern economics that often get over looked.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Drews post

Although you come up with a good point in self-defense; consider that if guns were not so easy to get, would they be as necessary in defending one's self? In Texas, an 18 year old person can go to a gun store and walk out with a rifle or a shotgun the same day. Does that not put an unnecessary risk on highschool and college students?